From Brasilia-DF


From Proto-Humans to Humans who learn to communicate through grunts.

 In this second part of this series of articles in which we adopt an evolutionary bias, we are telling the history of the world from 13.7 billion years to the present, to link the coming of human beings and corruption with them.

Previously, we told in summary about the period of 230 million years when dinosaurs appeared on the planet, especially about the last 160 million years, in which they dominated the Earth. It was in the last 65 million years of that period that the second great mass extinction occurred, and they disappeared.

Let us now descend to 2.6 million years before us, when primates learned to walk upright and became the first proto-humans.

The planet was slowly being formed, and among the stellar minerals that gave it shape, silicon combined with oxygen generated the solid rocks. In this period, archeologists from the University of Wyoming-USA, Todd Surovell, and Nicole Waguespack say that hominids to sharpen and break rocks began to make sharp points that gave rise to the first tools.

Do you have any idea how much this would help the hominid species to take evolutionary leaps to dominate the environment and prevail over other species? The use of tools was one of the biggest evolutionary leaps.

However, it is necessary to understand that to coin tools it was necessary to learn to use reasoning to manipulate and forge things and objects for their own use. The use of reasoning made us dissociate from other species of life and subjugate them.

Developing skills made and makes the human species the dominant on the planet. Astrophysicist Alex Filippenko maintains that only on Earth are there two fuels to sustain fire: oxygen and fuel materials, such as wood, for example. Fire is part of the energy of the Big Bang. Fillippenko says it is a rare and exceptional power, to have elements to sustain fire.

With fire, humanity can take another evolutionary leap. Heating the rock and changing its state, forging tools, cooking foods of all categories, and consequently by eating better can expand your brain.

With this growth of gray matter, it was possible to develop the reasoning that transforms it into a dominant species in the daily competition for control of the creative energy that the Big Bang bequeathed to us.

Most likely because he sees this eternal competition, naturalist and evolutionist Thomas Hobbes said in his book “Leviathan”, two centuries before Darwin and Wallace, that life is a war of all against all.

Astrophysicists and archaeologists say that having a fire to cook is like having a large external stomach that melts, cooks, and breaks down food, proportioning easy digestion to generate the energy that will put our bodies and brains to work together and rationalize our existence.

It was the leap we needed to win the competition against other species, also because fire allowed the spread of human beings across all continents, which worked as a kind of insurance against extinction.

Evolving into new environments, expanding the domain radius, can undoubtedly be insurance against extinction. This same relationship can be found in large companies that diversify their production so as not to perish in the constant changes in consumer taste and focus.

Our ancestors took control of fire for 800,000 years, which gradually allowed Homo sapiens to take control over other species. This ability to control the energy of fire was like going back to the past, to the Big Bang, and mastering some of that energy that created everything.

There is a kind of endless circle of being energy, mastering it, and then being consumed again by it.

The first grunts

In this evolutionary journey, we reach 200 thousand years before us, a time when the modern man takes the form we have today. Homo sapiens now know how to speak, or rather, learns to express themselves by the first grunts.

Do you have any idea how important it is to know how to communicate? Encode signals and interpret them?

Communication has several foundations, and two of the most important are: 1) knowing how to encode messages, 2) knowing how to decode or interpret messages.

Put yourself in front of a sign where there is information that, even to save your life, you cannot decipher. Realize that if you don’t know how to decode what is written or spoken, there is a message, but no communication?

This human being, from just 200,000 years ago, who in the geological timeline should be considered a newborn, began to emit grunts through his vocal cords, to which he will slowly add signs and meanings to these grunts.

Later, he started using symbols to express himself and this was the leap that would reveal to us another feature of the Theory of Evolution: the ability to communicate in a human network, similar to computer networks, but in a much more complex way, because we have feelings, and we manage to reason and rationalize life.

This is why in my teaching, books, and lectures I always challenge listeners to seek to value the ability to communicate through writing and reading. How is it possible for someone to receive such a wonderful gift and soon despise and hate it?

Countless virtues that we have received from nature will be used for the destruction of the renewable and non-renewable resources of Planet Earth, and among the tactics and techniques that we have inherited and developed will be employed to corrupt and let us be corrupted.

When human beings learn to take personal advantage of corruption, they will use it in their daily lives to benefit themselves and those they elect to the detriment of others, which represents the ruin of countless groups, including countries like Brazil.

To be continued…

If you want to understand what corruption with public funds means, the causes, consequences, and if you want to learn how to profile corruption’s allies and know the tools to fight it, buy ENCYCLOPEDIA CORRUPTION IN THE WORLD, www.judivanvieirabooks.com

Watch the Encyclopedia’s Book Trailer on YouTube:

Sobre o autor

Formado em Direito, Pós-graduado em Política e Estratégia pela Associação dos Diplomados da Escola Superior de Guerra (ADESG) e pela Universidade de Brasília (UnB). Concluiu Doutorado em Ciências Jurídicas e Sociais na Universidad Del Museu Social Argentino, Buenos Aires-AR, em 2012 e Pós-Doutorado em Tradição Civilística e Direito Comparado pela Universidade de Roma Tor Vergata. Professor de Hermenêutica Jurídica e Direito Penal nas Faculdades Integradas do Planalto Central e de Direito Penal, Processo Penal e Administrativo em cursos preparatórios para concursos, por 19 anos, em Brasília, Goiânia, Belo Horizonte e Porto Alegre. É Palestrante. Já proferiu palestras na Universidade de Vigo-Espanha e Universidade do Minho, Braga-Portugal, sobre seu livro e, Ciências Sociais "A mulher e sua luta épica contra o machismo". Proferiu palestra na University of Columbia em NYC-US, sobre sua Enciclopédia Corruption in the World, traduzida ao inglês e lançada pela editora AUTHORHOUSE em novembro/2018 nos EUA. É Escritor com mais de 15 livros jurídicos, sociais e literários. Está publicado em 4 idiomas: português, espanhol, inglês e francês. Premiado pelo The International Latino Book Awars-ILBA em 2013 pelo romance de ficção e espionagem “O gestor, o político e o ladrão” e em 2018 mais dois livros: A novela satírica, Sivirino com “I” e o Deus da Pedra do Navio e o livro de autodesenvolvimento “Obstinação – O lema dos que vencem”, com premiação em Los Angeles/EUA. Seu livro de poemas “Rasgos no véu da solidão”, em tradução bilíngue português/francês foi lançado em junho/2018 na França. Eleito em 17/11/2018 para o triênio 2019/2021, Diretor Jurídico do SINDESCRITORES (Sindicato dos Escritores do Distrito Federal), o primeiro e mais antigo Sindicato de Escritores do Brasil.

Judivan J. Vieira
Procurador Federal/Fiscal Federal/Federal Attorney
Escritor/Writer - Awarded/Premiado by ILBA

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