From Brasilia, the capital of Brazil.
In previous articles, it was said that the Science of Law makes a considerable distinction between a simple need and survival necessity. Our survival necessities needs are historically represented by the primitive human way of life.
Our simple needs, well, these have grown exponentially, over time. The fact is that modernization adds new “details” every day, that, as superfluous as they may be, the modern human being sees them as “survival necessity “, but they are not!
For example, who needs a million shampoos, conditioners, new car models, appliances that only change the color of one piece, and are sold as ‘the breaking news”?
We are all fooled by dozens of daily announcements, in which the “marketing” market, makes up one fallacy after another and deceives the consumer so easily, that even rational adults resembles the inhabitants of “Arkham Asylum”.
In the field of information, it is the same. You may have noticed that we are all plunged into the bottomless abyss of “ignorance”. Not because we cannot apprehend, but because we can no longer follow and digest the amount of information that circulates in our digital world.
But, if we think about the amount of “junk” information that the media throws at us, as if it were nothing more than human wastewater, then it is possible to realize that we are being induced to confuse simple needs with “survival necessity “.
Do we really need the information published by radio and television networks? Do we need the drama that the anchors of TV, use in their voices to direct their will or the stations they work for? Do we need the number of products that circulate in the world? Now, if we don’t need it, even less is our state of precision for so many things that advertising sells us.
After this Coronavirus / Covid-19 pandemic, will we be a little more thoughtful and selective?
Our virtual world has become fragmented and parallel to the real. Virtually, the Aristotelian logic of the “civic animal,” that is, the need to live in society, is gradually crumbling. People live with vicissitudes, as I explain in my new book, which will soon be released: “From apocalyptic scaremongering to social and economic resurgence: utopian world, dystopian world”.
In Japan, people already live, interact, and marry avatars, dolls, and virtual dolls. Say what you want to say, but the avatars and dolls are nothing but THINGS, which are being humanized to satisfy fragile, and confused mental structures, by our politically induced lifestyle.
In this chaos of information and virtual life, there are several problems to consider. I mention five of them:
1 — the amount of information that circulates around us;
2 — the quality of the information. Nowadays, anyone can use social networks and spread “news” without limit, and without commitment to the truth of the thematic content. The reign of the technology of information created billions, literally billions, of “experts” in cyber-concealment have emerged, and they are extremely hard to be tracked;
3 — The globalization of the Internet eliminated any need for professional “qualification” of sources that broadcast news. This phenomenon of the digital influencer, that easily becomes opinion-makers, tends to down the level of the quality of what we read, see, and hear.
This is our new world, in which the void and the formless dictate the new rules and, in which the rest remains to adapt, accept or fight, and have patience so that in a few decades, they are historically seen as the rational counterpoint.
4 — people, companies, governments, and political oppositions are using “internet” robots to produce “false” news, to destabilize private life, market competitors, and political economies, always to use the benefits of the destabilization. Yes! There are benefits in destabilizing someone, the market, economy, governments, etc.;
5 — the exponential growth of the thingify of the human, and the humanization of things. Human beings are eliminated as an end, to transform them into simple means. Human happiness is no longer in the “human”, but in the physical or virtual “thing” that we humanize.
Long-life to Nature, we say! Long-life to animals! Long-life to the countless avatars we are creating! To hell with humans because they are evil and deserve to die! Let the human in each of us, die! Let’s value more the means than ends!
When I stop to reflect on this social and economic moment we are living, again, I think “the problem with fools is that even when they are present, they are absent”.
This new virtual reality that we inaugurated in the 21st century is disturbing because it is weakening, even more, the thin layer of the fragile mental structures of our world society.
Where to stop? We will not stop! We just are not going to stop, and this is not the point. Evolution can’t be stopped! There is a solution to alleviate the harmful effects of the bio-psychological autophagy that we are practicing, it is enough that we go back to the first love; that we look in the mirror of life and see, again, that what is reflected in the polished surface before us is, really and definitely, the greatest of all treasures.
Do not miss, next Saturday, the last episode of this series.
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