From Catolé do Rocha, Paraíba-Brazil.


Today’s episode: The universe, the human being, and corruption

under the filter of the Theory of Evolution (Part 1)


In the first episode of this series, the emphasis was on the emergence of the worlds and the human being under the Creationist Theory. More than coming from the clay and returning to it, it was important to report that we came from chaos, and restarted it ourselves.

Following the line of historical contextualization so that the reader can better situate what he believes, what he knows, and what he doesn’t know, in order to make his own choices, in this episode and in the next ones I will approach the history of life from the perspective of Theory of Evolution.

When we talk about evolutionism, we arouse hate and passion. Hatred by those who abhor such a theory because they believe it denies the existence of God, the creator deity of all things. The passion of those who love science and see in the periodic table the existence of the multiverses and the “DNA” generated from the Big Bang which carries the “chain” of life in it.

At school, teachers and their hidden religious curricula make this discussion difficult for fear of denying the faith and, above all, for the fear of reducing the figure of God when the spotlight of science and the history of the emergence of the universe and living beings, falls on him.

On a daily basis, we give little importance to this discussion because the street is a reflection of the school that people enter out of obligation and then harbor anger for staying there. Learning is what matters least, and ignorance rules most people.

It is this same fear that relegates evolutionary scientists, like Thomas Hobbes, and Charles Robert Darwin to the most hidden bin that exists in the libraries of our schools. We only visit them as a last resort, when a point or two becomes necessary to be approved on a test, to quickly reject them as “heretics” and deniers of the truth we do not want and do not care to believe.

What I intend with this series is to put facts in evidence. After all, facts do not deny themselves, and those who deny them, history ends up classifying them as fools.

Each of the 7.4 billion human beings that inhabit the planet has its own opinion, and that’s the reason they are not the final truth. Each of these people believes that their opinion must prevail over the others.

Few human beings are able to recognize that there are many truths and that each one of them deserves to be heard and analyzed, because to reach this reasoning it is necessary to have a brain that makes critical and logical judgments, and this our schools have not taught for centuries. This is why very few fathers, mothers, and guardians can pass this legacy on to new generations.

The cycle we reproduce is that of mediocrity, and when someone confronts someone else to teach or advise, the ignorant cry and feel humiliated instead of thanking those who want to light their way.

If the crying of the ignorant takes place in front of the TV cameras, the wise suffer even more because the crying of the ignorant attracts the attention and solidarity of millions and millions who fled the school and learned to hate writing, reading, and knowledge. What they really learned is to victimize themselves, as a way to escape their own failure.

This is how we come to “evolving” towards this future that arrives every second and that makes the masses be tamed and subjugated to the will of the left, and the right political ideology.

In this path, the ethical succumbs to the unethical, the legal succumb to false laws, the dishonest are followed and worshiped as heroes, and the best lessons are lost in the ocean of ignorance. It is from this chaos that the politicians who daily assault public coffers are born, erode the roots of honesty like mouses, and dominate the sources of mass production of human beings, just as Henry Ford produced screws for automobiles in his factories.

If you want to join me in this series, don’t expect any ease. You will have to reflect because, in the next episodes, before going into cases of corruption (since talking casually about this is too simple given the amount that occurs in Brazil and in the world) I will address the emergence of the Universe and life, including that of human beings, under the eyes of the Theory of Evolution without worrying about whether you like the topic or not.

The good thing about science is that whether you like it or not, whether you believe it or not, it runs its course without the slightest pity or compassion for your feelings. Science is so magnanimous that it doesn’t even ignore those who ignore it. However, it does not refuse to extinguish species that do not know how to adapt.

If you want to understand what is corruption with public funds, its causes, consequences, and if you want to learn how to profile corruption’s allies and what are the tools to fight it, buy my “Encyclopedia Corruption in the World”.

Available in www.judivanvieirabooks.com

Watch the video on YouTube:

Sobre o autor

Formado em Direito, Pós-graduado em Política e Estratégia pela Associação dos Diplomados da Escola Superior de Guerra (ADESG) e pela Universidade de Brasília (UnB). Concluiu Doutorado em Ciências Jurídicas e Sociais na Universidad Del Museu Social Argentino, Buenos Aires-AR, em 2012 e Pós-Doutorado em Tradição Civilística e Direito Comparado pela Universidade de Roma Tor Vergata. Professor de Hermenêutica Jurídica e Direito Penal nas Faculdades Integradas do Planalto Central e de Direito Penal, Processo Penal e Administrativo em cursos preparatórios para concursos, por 19 anos, em Brasília, Goiânia, Belo Horizonte e Porto Alegre. É Palestrante. Já proferiu palestras na Universidade de Vigo-Espanha e Universidade do Minho, Braga-Portugal, sobre seu livro e, Ciências Sociais "A mulher e sua luta épica contra o machismo". Proferiu palestra na University of Columbia em NYC-US, sobre sua Enciclopédia Corruption in the World, traduzida ao inglês e lançada pela editora AUTHORHOUSE em novembro/2018 nos EUA. É Escritor com mais de 15 livros jurídicos, sociais e literários. Está publicado em 4 idiomas: português, espanhol, inglês e francês. Premiado pelo The International Latino Book Awars-ILBA em 2013 pelo romance de ficção e espionagem “O gestor, o político e o ladrão” e em 2018 mais dois livros: A novela satírica, Sivirino com “I” e o Deus da Pedra do Navio e o livro de autodesenvolvimento “Obstinação – O lema dos que vencem”, com premiação em Los Angeles/EUA. Seu livro de poemas “Rasgos no véu da solidão”, em tradução bilíngue português/francês foi lançado em junho/2018 na França. Eleito em 17/11/2018 para o triênio 2019/2021, Diretor Jurídico do SINDESCRITORES (Sindicato dos Escritores do Distrito Federal), o primeiro e mais antigo Sindicato de Escritores do Brasil.

Judivan J. Vieira
Procurador Federal/Fiscal Federal/Federal Attorney
Escritor/Writer - Awarded/Premiado by ILBA

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