From Brasilia-DF, the capital of Brazil.
The word “forging” is an action verb that means working metal in a forge, to make something, with a defined pattern.
The ancient blacksmiths were the great masters of the forge. Thus, it remains easy to deduce that in addition to the human element this art implied:
1 – the idea of thinking and defining the desired model for the thing or piece to be built.
2 – the forge or stove, because to melt and shape the metal, with its hard nature, exposure to high temperatures is necessary.
3 – tempering, which is the operation that consists of annealing the steel at a temperature lower than that of tempering to improve it.
These words, temper, temperature, are all related to “temperament” and link them to the character, nature, of a person.
The adjectives that are made to a person, linked to their character, are extremely important for us to examine whether we accept them, or not, in our personal cycle. That has nothing to do with being related.
Countless philosophers suspect that it is not in family ties that we find true loyalty, but among friends, which is why the Jewish aphorists said that “there is a friend closer than a brother.” This aphorism is written in the Jewish book of Proverbs (18:27). Keep in mind that wise philosophers and writers insist on this way of thinking as a truth worth considering, that is, the very blood that runs through your veins, sometimes it means nothing.
If in the forge we can work and model even metals, of a hard nature, what is the price of forging a NATION? I answer this question with research and depth, in three new unpublished books that I will be releasing soon. One of them still in this semester and two more in 2021.
However, the ONBOARD DIARY series, which I idealized and whose executive production and direction I assumed since the start of the pandemic, forces me to ask this question on the eve of its debut: what is the price of forging a NATION?
Am I evoking “price”, with monetary meaning?
Do I evoke “price”, with the meaning of dedication, love, and affection for each person who is born within this conglomerate of people with the same culture, and initially residing in the same territory?
Do I use the word “price” as a symbol of the political, legal, and economic structure, which must be assembled, to sum up, all these factors, to create a people whose spirit can be educated and taught to be prosperous, and open to humans to evolve?
In my opinion, education and teaching are procedures of the great process that amalgamate all the aforementioned factors, in the forge of life, and, after being exposed to tempering, make the character more resistant.
People and nations that allow themselves to be forged and shaped by education and teaching … Who will find them?
Read, follow, spread! It is in the forge of the present, that we shape our future!
A hug to all!