From Brasília, the capital of Brazil.
In this scenario that we have been describing the “new normal”, conspiracy theories multiply among bloggers in Brazil and around the world. Some manage to “catechize” the followers and, in this path of rumors and disinformation, an environment detrimental to the mental and physical health to people, and for the country is created.
Some of the IGeneration sages, who also consider themselves “intergalactic” teachers act as if they have received the final revelation from the dystopian world, which will come after the zombie fever, which will infect the world, as in the television series “The walking dead”. But, things, are not like that! Again, I affirm there is a multitude of bad people in governments and world press, that are causing great damages to the mental and physical health of the people.
In fact, they are specializing in spreading fear against everything and everybody. Those who allow themselves to be guided by fear-mongering become ill. Beware of alarmists. They look like an ambulance without patient, whose driver turn on siren only to gain the privilege of free traffic. The alarmists always search for free traffic to make mind games. Do not allow yourself to be infected by them.
There are different types of people. The most damaging are the negative ones: alarmists, pessimists, and those who need excessive attention to live.
Do not be depressed by the chaotic situation of the pandemic. In this context, I already lost my father (not because of COVID-19, but it happened within the pandemic cycle), I saw friends and family become infected with the coronavirus, and recover. I am absolutely sure that none of us is protected.
However, you cannot hide from life, suffer in advance and die of fear. Life is a constant step forward. Try to start the journey with some joy. There are people who forge sadness and tears. So, why not forging smiles, even from yourself?! Joy, even wrought, has a more positive effect than sadness and melancholy.
Believe me, there are people who need to be sad, pessimistic, or sick to feel good. They feed on the “compassion” and care they receive from other people, so that, in their personality disorder, they feel “alive”.
For example, the TV series, ‘The Act’, tells the story of Dee Dee Blanchard and her daughter Gypsy Rose, and reveals to the world an aspect of Münchhausen syndrome by Proxy (SMPP), which probably we all have everyday life, but few knew the name.
Münchhausen Proxy Syndrome (SMPP) is another of the countless personality disorders, which affects people in increasing numbers, in our world that increasingly humanizes things, and thingify humans.
In 1977, Dr. Roy Meadow defined Münchhausen syndrome by proxy, as the personality disorder in which parents or carers of minors inform doctors, relatives and society about an illness in the child, as a real form to draw attention to themselves and not to the little ones.
When I speak of Personality Disorder, I am not crazy to venture into other people’s fields, without proper knowledge of the cause. Thus, I mean the opinion magazine, “The Mind is Wonderful,” which deals with philosophy, and psychology, which by addressing SMPP maintains that there are people who search too much attention of others.
The magazine also says that the American Psychiatric Association (APA) maintains that “Within the group of dramatic, emotional or erratic disorders, also known in DSM-IV as group B of personality disorders, we found a disorder in which the personality disorder is characterized by a pattern of excessive search for attention”. ( Consulted on 7.7.2020)
In the cited publication, the authors state that, for people with such personality disorders, it is “normal” to manipulate others to get what they want, and for this reason, when they feign compassion, what they hide is enormous selfishness.
Now, if personality disorders are defined as experiences and behaviors that differ from social norms, then it is possible to say that people like this live a “new normal”, at each stage. After all, it is the established standards and norms that create the normal and the new normal.
What to do with the new normal?
What we must do is continue, with new precautions, but continue living, working, studying, creating, producing.
For example:
1 — governments and schools must invest in their remote platforms because education has changed with the pandemic. It was unimaginable to see schools closed for so many months. It’s no more! The new normal created more work for education and teaching professionals. It also opened up new possibilities for students and parents, who have an obligation to adapt.
2 — public servants and private sector employees must adapt to remote work and produce! Without productivity, the employer cannot be required to keep a job. So, its capitalism and free competition! Is it difficult to learn to use new technologies? Learn it! You can! I went through this and learned. Worse than having to adapt, is losing your paid job and, with it, the income that feeds you, shelters and provides other minimums of social dignity.
3 — The State must take care, even more, of areas such as health, public safety, and water and sewerage infrastructure. Governments must invest without complaining about spending the “surplus” and public savings because money and rents exist to meet people’s needs. After the crisis, growth returns, if people have an income to consume.
No one has been and is not armored against death, which can come from COVID-19 and thousands of other situations. Now is the time to grow, evolve, learn to respect personal hygiene rules, pick up pet poop on public walks, and throw it away!
I have been through situations where I received requests for help, from unemployed people who were extremely humble, and said were willing to do whatever it took to get a paid job.
Two months after finding the job, they were already complaining about the day, the hours of work, the colleagues, the boss, the food, having to take the bus, work a lot … Laziness is a pittance! “Go to the ant, oh lazy”! Thus, says a well-known Jewish proverb.
Succeed well, in life, requires extra value, which is beyond the ordinary acting. He is waking up, getting up and facing the struggles of life, with marrow in his bones and sebum in his guts! If not, believe! You must know that life rewards the diligent and punishes the negligent.
It is time to change the mental harmony and understand that this false discourse that changing our Institutions, will improve the world, blah, blah, blah, can change the world. This does not make sense! It is by improving the human being that we improve the world!
I have already told this story in conferences and I repeat here. An attorney was in the home office. His five-year-old son, wanted him, at all costs, to stop working and play with him.
The father looked at a world map, which was on his desk and had the idea to tear it into several pieces. Then he said to his son, “I’m going to throw that map on the ground. If you can fix the world and bring me in the next ten minutes, I will stop working and play with you!
Within ten minutes, the boy returned with the map arranged. The father asked: how did you fix the world so quickly, son?
The boy replied: — I realized that behind the world there was a figure of a man. I fixed the man, and the world was fixed!
Renew yourself! Evolve. You can be better if you really want. That’s the way to make a better world!
Follow me on instagram: judivan j vieira