From São José do Belmonte-PE


 Today’s Episode: The Big Bang, the Universe, the Human, and Corruption


 13.7 billion years ago, before human beings emerged, the Theory of Evolution and History says that the Universe was created from the energy generated in the great explosion and call the Big Bang.

 Suddenly, in millionths of a second, a great explosion was the genesis, the beginning of everything that exists today. From a simple atom to the transformation that generated the Universe and created galaxies, as reported by Professor Alex Filippenko, an astrophysicist from Berkeley, University of California.

 This explosion, called the Big Bang, about which the fear of contradicting God is rarely talked about in schools, produced the creative energy that will evolutionarily give life to nothingness, create stars, planets and make the Universe a Multiverse with countless billions of galaxies.

 The idea is that the energy that powers our cars, our modern factories, and everything else, came from the Big Bang. Among the gases from which life originated, hydrogen initiates the creation of the first atoms to give life to everything that exists today. Matter and energy gathered in the same place start what is alive, says scientist Alex Filippenko.

 So, 13.4 billion before we exist, inside galaxies, gravity begins to take its toll. Hydrogen atoms collide and create Helium gas. The first stars appear and as Filippenko says, “To form planets and give rise to human beings, the universe needs carbon, hydrogen, and helium were not enough”. So the stars forge carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and iron, the same iron that will allow us here on Planet Earth to create the structures of our buildings, so many billions of years later.

This is where gold and uranium are created, with the explosion of stars. Explosions called Supernovas, which is in the destruction of their bodies, the stars create gold, copper, uranium, and the ores of our periodic table. The same ores we find traces of in our blood and constitution. Grab a bottle of multivitamins and realize that we are made up of the same ors that make up Planet Earth.

 That’s why we have traces of iron in our blood. For this reason, the human being is called stardust. It’s not just poetic. It’s scientific since our body is the same minerals that inhabit planet Earth. Thus, for the Evolutionary Theory, we are made of the same material as our Universe, in a symbiosis in which we came from it and returned to it, in a cycle of eternal fusion.

 Historian Jonathan Markley of Fullerton, California State University says: – Go to a supermarket or pharmacy and buy a multivitamin. You will find copper, selenium, zinc, etc. You will find all the elements of the periodic table, created in the explosions called Supernova.

 In this respect, the Theory of Evolution is very similar to the Creationist Theory, as both teach that in the process of creation, the creative providence (or the creative divinity) first tried to prepare the environment so that the human being could exist and inhabit it, reproduce itself, and evolve.

My father was a bricklayer and I worked as a servant with him. He always told me that it is essential to have good and adequate tools. – A professional who does not have the tools of his trade does not deserve the slightest credibility! He said.

Another tip I tried to give was that before building a wall, a house, a building, or whatever, it is essential to have a construction site, that is, the place where you store bricks, sand, iron, cement, wood, and everything else you are going to use, even if you do it gradually. With the universe, it did not differ, according to the Theory of Evolution.

For 8 billion years, the stars as the great factories of the elements that formed the galaxies and life on Planet Earth keep exploding, dying, and reborn, and in each of these explosions, adding different chemical elements.

It is on differences, not on equality, that all known and to-be-known Planets will emerge, including Planet Earth. This is why I insist on my lectures and in my books that defending equality is foolish. The beauty of the universe is in the differences. What we need is to learn to respect them.

In this space of 8 billion years, through these explosions called Supernova, the materials are being stored in the stellar construction site. And then, at 4.6 billion years old, we have materials available in the cosmos for the creative providence to bring forth a superstar, our SUN, formed by Helium gas.

The Sun is so big that it gathers 99% of the gas in solar dust, says Professor astrophysicist Alex Filippenko. Human beings, with their idiosyncrasies, their ethical or corrupt behavior, will take a while to appear on planet Earth, and when they come, just as created out of chaos, they will cultivate it.

 To be continued…


If you want to understand what corruption with public funds is, the causes, consequences, and if you want to learn how to profile corruption’s allies and know the tools to fight it, buy ENCYCLOPEDIA CORRUPTION IN THE WORLD, www.judivanvieirabooks.com

 Watch the Encyclopedia’s Book Trailer on YouTube:

Sobre o autor

Formado em Direito, Pós-graduado em Política e Estratégia pela Associação dos Diplomados da Escola Superior de Guerra (ADESG) e pela Universidade de Brasília (UnB). Concluiu Doutorado em Ciências Jurídicas e Sociais na Universidad Del Museu Social Argentino, Buenos Aires-AR, em 2012 e Pós-Doutorado em Tradição Civilística e Direito Comparado pela Universidade de Roma Tor Vergata. Professor de Hermenêutica Jurídica e Direito Penal nas Faculdades Integradas do Planalto Central e de Direito Penal, Processo Penal e Administrativo em cursos preparatórios para concursos, por 19 anos, em Brasília, Goiânia, Belo Horizonte e Porto Alegre. É Palestrante. Já proferiu palestras na Universidade de Vigo-Espanha e Universidade do Minho, Braga-Portugal, sobre seu livro e, Ciências Sociais "A mulher e sua luta épica contra o machismo". Proferiu palestra na University of Columbia em NYC-US, sobre sua Enciclopédia Corruption in the World, traduzida ao inglês e lançada pela editora AUTHORHOUSE em novembro/2018 nos EUA. É Escritor com mais de 15 livros jurídicos, sociais e literários. Está publicado em 4 idiomas: português, espanhol, inglês e francês. Premiado pelo The International Latino Book Awars-ILBA em 2013 pelo romance de ficção e espionagem “O gestor, o político e o ladrão” e em 2018 mais dois livros: A novela satírica, Sivirino com “I” e o Deus da Pedra do Navio e o livro de autodesenvolvimento “Obstinação – O lema dos que vencem”, com premiação em Los Angeles/EUA. Seu livro de poemas “Rasgos no véu da solidão”, em tradução bilíngue português/francês foi lançado em junho/2018 na França. Eleito em 17/11/2018 para o triênio 2019/2021, Diretor Jurídico do SINDESCRITORES (Sindicato dos Escritores do Distrito Federal), o primeiro e mais antigo Sindicato de Escritores do Brasil.

Judivan J. Vieira
Procurador Federal/Fiscal Federal/Federal Attorney
Escritor/Writer - Awarded/Premiado by ILBA

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