From Brasília, Brazil.
Today’s episode: “And the Word became flesh”
The Creationist Theory says that at the beginning of everything before anything existed, the Earth was formless and void.
This existential emptiness was called chaos, darkness. Then, someone, a deity, would have put herself to work for seven uninterrupted days to bring order out of chaos.
On the very FIRST DAY of work, he immediately created LIGHT. Let there be light! Finally, this thing of darkness is a sight of seeing nothing, and after all, how to work well, how to understand the aesthetics of what is done without the light shining on the work of creation?
It is almost certain that this deity had already made prior planning. I don’t even know if it wasn’t her who, long afterward, would inspire Benjamin Franklin to say that “Whoever fails to plan, plans to fail.”
What is true is that he arrived at his construction site knowing: what, how, why, where, when, what for, and who. With such assertiveness, it is possible to recognize her pedagogical instinct and learn from her how to be efficient, and effective in what she or he does.
That’s how, ON DAY SECOND, he provided separation between the waters and the dry portion of the planet, and to this dry portion, we called Earth, each part with its biosystem linked to the other working harmoniously, like a Beethoven’s symphony.
Every time that deity gave his creative brushstrokes, he looked at his works, reflected on what had planned to do and, still dirty with the ink of creation, he shook his head in the affirmative tone of satisfaction at having made the decision as to what should do from its decision-making power.
On DAY THREE woke up excited, probably full of himself and the joy that covers him, except for the days of sadness, and didn’t stop creating. In the vegetable kingdom, all the flora sprouted! The Earth and its minerals, some in “open skies”, others in underground mines, are there to sustain the planet and life. Seeds, trees, and fruits were made on the grass.
On DAY FOUR, with his rational brain, made the decision to create two great stars. The Sun, as representative of light and then the Moon to be the mirror that would receive the Sun’s light and reproduce it, sometimes golden, sometimes silver, on the surface of Earth and on the mirrors of the seas and oceans.
He looked, looked, looked again and couldn’t accept that the touch of creation was final. He withdrew a little, walked from here to there and from there to here, he must have taken a few sips of red wine and… eureka !!! Inspiration blew the idea of creating stars. It splashed from here, splashed from there, and at the end of many splashes the sky was full of dots shining in the night.
When the siren rang at the construction site, with the aim of freeing the workers from the tiring but interesting expedient, the fireball that lights up the Milky Way and which he named the Sun, was already on the horizon of the afternoon of the third morning. He retired to his cosmic gardens and for a mere matter of order, the divinity waited for the first starry night to give an example of the beginning, middle, and end of a working day.
At the next dawn, the feeling of lack invaded him. There was too much silence, and of moving, only the hairs of the trees and the grass swayed back and forth.
So, on DAY FIVE, he decided to fill the Earth with Animals on the dry portion, and animals in the oceans, like there is never happened before. It was such a frantic dance of life that the creator’s eyes rotated 360 degrees every 2 seconds. He smiled with the animals, sang long songs with the humpback whales, jumped for joy with the monkeys eating alcoholic fruits from the Marula tree, in an endless party through a night of one thousand years. That party only ended when the stars got tired of dancing in cosmic space, far away from where everything is big even though it seems small.
On DAY SIXTH, says the Creationist Theory, that the divinity got so excited about those things with life that he decided to spend an extra day just having fun and creating living souls.
It was the turn of all kinds of cattle and reptiles. It was beautiful to watch all that movement of life, but it lacked interaction. She thought, thought and thought, and asked herself at the end: – What if I make a being able to think like me, capable to reason? A being with free will to consciously and freely decide about right and wrong, fair and unfair, legal and illegal, honest and dishonest?
It was with this feeling that she decided and created the human being in the multiple versions planted in such a “DNA”. The masculine, the feminine appeared and then others started to appear and made them colorful so that life had more grace and beauty. For her, it was all human and that was it! She felt it simply wonderful!
She interacted, smiled, told jokes, gave instructions on how to be, to act, how to hug and kiss, how to have sex, and reproduce. Furthermore, she looked at everything he did, and said: -Today I feel like strongly good! Everything and being created, I did it based upon the “logos”, the creative word. On that day, by the words of the deity, the Word became flesh!
When he went there around lunchtime on the SEVENTH DAY, the excited deity is said to have finished his work. He ate delicacies and in the shade of a shady tree he took a nap, listening to the splash of the waters as the stones slid down one of the beautiful waterfalls he had created.
The sleep of rest after work was so disturbed that days later when he woke up, the human being had already lost almost everything. He had subverted order and restarted chaos, which would last for more millennia than the millennia called the days of creation…
Don’t miss EPISODE 2 next Saturday.
If you want to understand what corruption with public funds is, the causes, consequences, which are the allies of corruption, what is the profile of the corrupt, and what are the tools to fight it, purchase the “Encyclopedia Corruption in the World”, the collection of five books I wrote about the theme. Available on
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