THE ONBOARD DIARY SERIES will premiere on October 12th. Don’t miss it!

From Brasília, Brazil.

In life in society, we are all links in the same chain. But in this series on education and teaching rebooted by the COVID-19 pandemic, you will find that some lives are intertwined with greater depth, sign, and meaning.

I invited a teacher (Gevani Silva), a student (Sophia Bittencourt), a teacher and educational supervisor (Katia Silva), a principal of a Brazilian public school (Andreia Bombom), and an educational advisor and psychoanalyst (Kennya Fernandes), to create an ONBOARD DIARY, and describe during seven working days of class, each one’s perspective on education and teaching, restarted by the pandemic and subsisting on the basis of digital platforms, with residues of printed activities for students who do not have money to have a smartphone, internet, computer, etc.

They are stories full of humanity! You will see protagonists dividing between concerns with themselves, their own families, students, society, and with the State. You will be delighted with the description of the routines that begin in the early hours of the morning and extend beyond twilight.

You will see that Education and Teaching professionals are not built from Artificial Intelligence. They are human beings who dress the skin of those who care for, and who they teach and even, educate. These boys and girls in whom Nations all over the world, place their hopes of ethical human beings, good citizens, and professionals who will leverage the future. If not, what part of the gear is broken?

I intend to take you through this microcosm and show you how much individual planning and execution of Education and Teaching activities suck up the lives of everyone involved. As they always dream, of a better life for themselves and for each new generation forged in the furnace of life.

The conflicts, the daily battles to build the character of the students that, in many cases, the family, society, and the State are in charge of destroying.

ONBOARD DIARY, the series! Do not miss it! Comment, send the link of each episode to all your friends, schools, students, and education and teaching professionals. The texts will also be translated by me into Spanish and English and, this may imply a small flaw, but I don’t expect things to be perfect, because waiting for perfection is waiting forever!

Always in the JUDIVAN VIEIRA COLUMN, on www.pernambucoemfoco.com.br

Education and teaching save lives and strengthen the character of the nation!

A hug to all and thanks for following me on the trip.






Sobre o autor

Formado em Direito, Pós-graduado em Política e Estratégia pela Associação dos Diplomados da Escola Superior de Guerra (ADESG) e pela Universidade de Brasília (UnB). Concluiu Doutorado em Ciências Jurídicas e Sociais na Universidad Del Museu Social Argentino, Buenos Aires-AR, em 2012 e Pós-Doutorado em Tradição Civilística e Direito Comparado pela Universidade de Roma Tor Vergata. Professor de Hermenêutica Jurídica e Direito Penal nas Faculdades Integradas do Planalto Central e de Direito Penal, Processo Penal e Administrativo em cursos preparatórios para concursos, por 19 anos, em Brasília, Goiânia, Belo Horizonte e Porto Alegre. É Palestrante. Já proferiu palestras na Universidade de Vigo-Espanha e Universidade do Minho, Braga-Portugal, sobre seu livro e, Ciências Sociais "A mulher e sua luta épica contra o machismo". Proferiu palestra na University of Columbia em NYC-US, sobre sua Enciclopédia Corruption in the World, traduzida ao inglês e lançada pela editora AUTHORHOUSE em novembro/2018 nos EUA. É Escritor com mais de 15 livros jurídicos, sociais e literários. Está publicado em 4 idiomas: português, espanhol, inglês e francês. Premiado pelo The International Latino Book Awars-ILBA em 2013 pelo romance de ficção e espionagem “O gestor, o político e o ladrão” e em 2018 mais dois livros: A novela satírica, Sivirino com “I” e o Deus da Pedra do Navio e o livro de autodesenvolvimento “Obstinação – O lema dos que vencem”, com premiação em Los Angeles/EUA. Seu livro de poemas “Rasgos no véu da solidão”, em tradução bilíngue português/francês foi lançado em junho/2018 na França. Eleito em 17/11/2018 para o triênio 2019/2021, Diretor Jurídico do SINDESCRITORES (Sindicato dos Escritores do Distrito Federal), o primeiro e mais antigo Sindicato de Escritores do Brasil.

Judivan J. Vieira
Procurador Federal/Fiscal Federal/Federal Attorney
Escritor/Writer - Awarded/Premiado by ILBA

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